Journey of Empire and its Ruins

In the 'about' page of my blog I wrote that as a Humanities Core student, I will be exploring complex ideas like Manifest Destiny, Imperialism and the modern day influence that the US has on different countries. Many of the posts throughout this year contained news articles and analyzed how events can tie into the... Continue Reading →

How Racism evolves into Race

Since the 2016 election some people have argued that America has changed for the better and other people have argued that the nation is crumbling apart. However the one thing that everyone can say with certainty is that things have changed. The one thing which is not subjective is the summary of numbers which shows... Continue Reading →

The New Normal

1947. The year that India was liberated from the rule of the British Empire. People like Savarkar, Gandhi and the common people played a huge role in this process. Gandhi is probably one of the most prominent and known freedom fighters and his ideas echoed all across the world. Dr. Matin Luther King Jr. heard... Continue Reading →

Shakespeare and Colonialism

In my previous blog I discussed in detail what power means and how the implications of power have neither boundaries nor limits. Power can be exercised in any part of world and for this specific post I will be focusing on colonialism. After talking about the Incan Empire and the Spanish Empire my class discussed... Continue Reading →

What Does Power Mean?

The most basic definition of power is the “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.” This meaning is extremely broad because it only tells us that power is the capacity to reach a particular end goal. But as a student in the humanities I have been analyzing the Spanish Empire, one... Continue Reading →

The Venezuelan Crisis

The dictionary definition for imperialism is “the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation.” This behavior is exhibited when a nation does everything to establish a relationship of superiority over another nation. Throughout history the word ‘imperialism’ immediately led people to think about old empires like Rome, China and... Continue Reading →

How the Pieces Come Apart

At the end of the previous blog, I questioned why empires still end up in ruins even if they employ the concept of creating large establishments and increasing their chances of survival? After the previous week’s lectures and readings consisting of Jean Jacques Rousseau’s discourse on inequality and the Ruins of Empires by Volney, the... Continue Reading →

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